Peanut Butter Breath AAAA


grade Very Good

Total reviews

  • relaxed
  • sleepy
  • euphoric
  • creative

Peanut Butter Breath AAAA

Peanut Butter Breath AAAA Information

Why is this strain named peanut butter breath? Does it leave a peanut butter taste in your mouth after you’ve had it? Afraid not. Peanut Butter Breath, also known as Peanut Butter Kush, is an Indica-dominant strain that will smell like peanut butter once you open a fresh jar. The flavour is a bit nutty and earthy, and the exhale has a creamy kush effect that’s slightly sour and slightly pungent. There’s also the faint strong kush smell that we all know and recognize in an instant. Peanut Butter Breath is a potent strain, ideal for any situation when you want to sit back and relax. The effects start with a cerebral lift that elevates your mood and lifts you while still making you a little bit hazy and unable to focus. As your mind goes through this rollercoaster ride, your body will feel the heaviness, and you’ll feel the need to sit or lay down. Take more than you’re ready for, and you will start feeling sleepy. Peanut Butter Breath has an average THC level of 20% and helps with medical illnesses like mood swings, lack of appetite, chronic pain, and nausea.

Bred by ThugPub Genetics, it’ll help you forget about your stress without making you disoriented or dizzy. It is a combination of Do-Si-Dos and Mendo Breath, and once you make the acquaintance, it’ll quickly become a fixture in your cannabis arsenal.

The aroma is pine-like and skunky, with undertones of nuttiness at the end. The nutty and earthy tones mix for a unique experience, tricking your brain into noticing everything around you. The flavour, unlike the name, has hints of pine and skunk, which overpower the chocolate and nutty flavours.

Peanut Butter Breath is perfect if you want to relax alone or have a friend over for some introspection and heart-to-heart conversation. Just make sure that you’ve stocked the fridge or ordered from your favourite Chinese place, as you’ll get the munchies after smoking.

DoorBud Guarantee

As Canada's top marijuana online delivery provider, we have several strains addressing a wide array of conditions at affordable prices. Our website makes it easy if you have been searching for a way to order weed online! Please feel encouraged to put in an order today and have it delivered right to your door, often the same day!

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Peanut Butter Breath AAAA strain full effects


  • Happy

  • relaxed

  • Euphoric

  • Uplifted

  • Sleepy


Helps with

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Pain

  • Depression

  • insomnia


Side effects

  • Dry mouth

  • Dry eyes

  • Paranoid

  • Dizziness

  • Anxious
